France - muslim matrimonial - 1nikah

Muslims in France

Muslims in France form one of the largest religious minority communities in the country. The exact demography of Muslims in France is challenging to determine due to the secular nature of the French state, which does not collect data on religious affiliations. However, estimates suggest that the Muslim population in France ranges from 5 to 8 percent of the total population, making it one of the largest Muslim populations in Europe. The majority of Muslims in France are of North African and Sub-Saharan African descent, with significant communities also originating from the Middle East, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. Islam is practiced by individuals from diverse backgrounds, and French Muslims contribute to various aspects of society, including academia, arts, sports, politics, and business. The presence of Muslims in France has sparked important discussions about integration, identity, and multiculturalism within the country.

Muslims in France looking for Nikah

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1nikah is a free nikah ( marriage in islam ) website that has been created in order to help Muslim men and women find a spouse. 1nikah uses a different approach whereby all profiles are kept anonymous

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